Monday, 26 March 2012

Introducing my new favourite producer....Baauer

It shows you both the power and pace of the Internet world, that a completely unknown 22 Year old artist from Brooklyn can quickly become a producer that you wish you'd been listening to for months. Another artist that's been put on to me via a of Deaf and Ignorant's favourites' Live For The Funk, their blog was the first place I saw the 'Nostalgia/Ultra' (Frank Ocean) mix-tape and A$AP's 'Deep Purple'; so their track record speaks for itself in terms of new artists. Whilst I'm on the topic, check out the Producers brand new mix for LFTF, with a tracklist filled with favourites from Joker, Hudson Mohawke and even some classic Aaliyah in there, it's not one to sleep on; 

With an insane amount of bangers on his Soundcloud page, support from potentially two of the bigger DJ's in the subgenre (Hudson Mohawke and Lunice), and having apparently been recruited into New York's 'Trouble & Bass' collective (which features the likes of Drop the Lime and AC Slater), it doesn't seem like the success of this Brooklyn producer is far off.

Here are a couple of my favourites, but I strongly recommend you check out his Soundcloud now;

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